What to Expect

What can I expect in a Reiki session?

A complete session is offered to a fully clothed client lying on a treatment table. If the client is unable to lie down, he/she can still receive the treatment while sitting comfortably in a chair.The practioner places a light gentle touch or no touch, depending on your preference at the energy centers of the body.(eyes,head,throat,chest,abdomen, pelvis,knees , feet)

Reiki sessions differ from person to person and each session is unique .

Some people feel heat from the practitioner’s hands, others feel a cool sensation. Some feel a vibration or tingling, while some fall asleep, others may feel a deep sense of calm and relaxation.

Since Reiki is so subtle more than one session is needed to see and experience deeper benefits.

Most clients feel more relaxed, grounded, more focused and clearer thoughts, less stressed and a sense of relief after sessions. Some say “They even feel some kind of a shift or a change in themselves that they cannot explain.” Reiki is an internal detox allowing whats blocked to surface .

Reiki session last between 50min-60 min 

How Many Sessions should I have? 

There is no right or wrong number of sessions . Generally 3 or 4  treatments initially are recommended to see benefits and allow the body and Reiki energy to work its way through . In case of Serious issues , one can have  several Reiki sessions in a matter of a few days.  

What can I expect after a Reiki session?

People generally feel calm , relaxed and sleepy . Some may feel more tired  or some energized . This is not an adverse effect . It is the Body's natural  way of healing kicking in . 

Drink plenty of water and get some rest after a Reiki session. 

Can Reiki be done for animals ?

Yes, Reiki can be done for Animals .

Animals are very open and receptive to Reiki

Reiki is like an Internal Detox.